Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Elnath / Chryse / Dead Mine

How to go to Elnath?

People go there to kill our lovely boss, Zakum

There are 2 ways to go there :)

Elnath Route

1st way to go to Elnath

Only Ellin Forest's Black Taxi is allowed for you to go to Elnath :D

Well, pricing is more expensive yea.. but..
worth it if you're lazy :)

Another way to go to Elnath

2nd way to go to Elnath

This is another way to go to Elnath from Orbis.
You have to walk from the Orbis 20th Floor to 1st Floor of the Tower.
You can use Nearest scroll at the 7th Floor of Tower to teleport to Elnath. same for Orbis, using it at 8th Floor :)

How to go to Chryse?

There are some requirements for you to enter to Chryse.
You need to be level 55 ~ 70 to enter this place. it's a Theme Dungeon


You have to look for this guy at Orbis Park
Nero is his name.
It's free to enter. :)

How to go to Dead Mine?

This is for those who want to Zakum.

Dead Mine Route

This is how we go to Dead Mine.
Talk to a guy named Jeff at the last map of this Elnath Mts. "Elnath Ice Valley II"

He is a Botak one-eyed guy.
Dead Mine and Deep Mine is the same.

This is the Dead Mine to Zakum,
as you can see, there is another way to Lion King Castle.
That's the theme dungeon and a boss expedition for us too :)

Route to Lion King Castle

This is the place where we enter the Lion King Castle. If you're going to Zakum, then it's the other way >

Lion King Castle

This is the Map for Lion King Castle.
Last time people use to train here as they give
50% exp for every party member in the same map..

There are Rewards for Killing the boss too!

-Elnath Guide-


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