Tuesday, November 13, 2012


How to go to Ariant?

Just go the the Orbis Station to Ariant's Platform

Map of Nihal Dessert

This is simply a deserted island.
There is a new map on top left hand corner, it is not released yet, until december 5th. coming soon :)

Now if you see that there are some weird underground lab at the bottom right hand corner, they are connected.
you have to do quest to unlock the underground tunnel.

The map " Magatia " consist of 2 region. one is Zenumist, the other is Alcadno.


This are the two region in Magatia. You can visit the lab inside. :) Do their quest and get some rare rewards :3.

Ancient City Azwan

 This map is for us to do Party quest and get rewards from there :D
It's not released yet until 5th december. Available through Mirror Dimensional :)

-Ariant Guide-


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